Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes and the best way to control your blood sugar levels is by burning excess fat, today we will discuss apple cider vinegar for weight loss and diabetes.
There has been a raise in type 2 diabetic patients around the world. This come along with an increased numbers of obese people. Which means there is a link between obesity and type 2 diabetes.
There are loads of advantages in having a healthy BMI (body mass index). Studies show that men with 32 inch waist are the most active and the healthiest.
There are lots of ways to control your blood glucose levels. Excess sugar does not only counts for diabetes but also for weight gain. Controlling your daily sugar intake can drastically affect your body weight and consumption (metabolism).
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Cutting down salt, fatty foods also contributes for a quick and easy weight loss. Apple cider vinegar has been proven to help millions of obese and diabetic patients around the globe in controlling their weight and diabetes.
How does apple cider vinegar help you on weight loss?
A study was made where volunteers had to drink apple cider vinegar before each meal and the results were astonishing. Their blood glucose levels were the lowest compared to volunteers that did not drunk apple cider vinegar (before meal).
This simple experiment showed that apple cider vinegar is advisable for obese and diabetic patients. It controls blood glucose levels which in other words helps to reduce weight.
It is a quick and easy way to control your diabetes and reduce weight at the same time. That is it! I hope you found this article useful. Just to an added note: drinking 1 glass of water before meal also helps you to control how many calories you eat in each meal.