Dish Plan for May Week 1

This month, Megan Gordon is back with us sharing her regular meal strategies! Megan is a writer and recipe developer living in Seattle, WA, the writer of Whole Grain Mornings, and mommy to a 2-year-old. Please welcome Megan!

May, I believed you ‘d never ever come! While I’m not ignorant enough to assume that we’ll magically start seeing warmer temperature levels in Seattle anytime soon, it’s good to see the flowers in bloom and also the longer days always motivate somewhat much more leisurely cooking at nights.

We simply got house from a household journey to Hawaii, which was fantastic in a lot of means, yet I constantly struggle a little bit in analyzing how to consume well and feed our toddler healthfully when we’re not in our house cooking area.

We absolutely ate in restaurants a great deal, and really did not have much control over the food selection (our child couldn’t have been more delighted with the frequency of French french fries).

So this week, I’m delighted to return right into the kitchen area, relying on fresh seasonal produce as well as lighter protein-packed meals. Here’s what I’m thinking:

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