Every female that has a routine sex life thinks of her security. To day, it is recognized that hormonal birth control is the most dependable method of defense. More than that— likewise a warranty of ladies’s health and wellness.
Real, according to data, in Russia this method is utilized by only one in 10 ladies: the majority is still scared of the awful word «hormone».
SHE found out about just how today’s hormone drugs influence a lady.
A short digression into the story, which gynecologists do tirelessly, is this: in ancient times, a lady right away after the beginning of menstrual cycle was married. After that, of course, pregnant, then fed, and soon waited for the next youngster. So she satisfied her major natural function— reproductive.
Idle work
This function was regulated from a physical standpoint, and also the ovaries relaxed for a long period after giving the body with the ovum as well as fertilizing it. Today there is no all-natural law: the egg ripens monthly, the level of hormones frequently changes, and when ovulation occurs the microtrauma of the ovary— it breaks when the egg leaves. This causes countless diseases of the female sex-related round.
The system of hormonal contraceptive job is to convert the ovaries from cyclic to tonic setting: they go to rest as well as constantly create the same degree of hormonal agents, and this is the physiological security of the women body.
Round Benefits Ovarian inactivity in a woman that does not wish to have kids yet can cause their disorder. Additionally, the monthly increase, and afterwards reducing the degree of hormonal agents, usually influences the supposed target body organs: the mammary glands, the inner surface of the womb. Each time they prepare for maternity, and afterwards have to rebuild— which, according to medical professionals, boosts the risk of tumors in these organs.
Below are the major benefits of hormone contraceptives:
— Establish a cycle: a woman always understands when menstrual cycle will certainly come, as well as gets rid of the unpleasant signs of despised PMS— discomfort and raspiraniya in the belly as well as chest.
— stabilizing the hormonal history, contraceptives stop the growth of mastopathy, eliminate the threats of myomas, endometriosis.
— medications with antiandrogenic action deal with the issue skin: oily hair, acne and also greasiness of the skin (their appearance is caused by too much production of the man hormone testosterone). The same medications benefit women with reduced blood pressure, decreased tone.
Not all shown.
Naturally, hormone contraception has its very own contraindications. «The biggest of them is an infraction of the blood coagulation system and also severe vascular disorders: migraine headaches, extreme varicose capillaries, thromboses. This may even be an outright contraindication, «remarks Lyubov Treyvish, a gynecologist and also endocrinologist at the Avicenna clinic.
They say that tablet computers can not be taken by cigarette smoking ladies. «A lady older than thirty-five that smokes greater than 15 cigarettes a day is one team whose hormonal birth controls are absolutely contraindicated, fewer cigarettes or younger age— as well as the contraindication becomes loved one, but this client requires extra careful control,» explains the concern of smoking cigarettes Svetlana Vedyasheva, gynecologist-endocrinologist of the medical center «Alone».
With some liver illness, taking contraceptive pills can trigger nausea or vomiting and also allergic reactions. Today this problem is solved by gynecologists by using contemporary kinds— plaster or vaginal ring: they offer a boring consumption of the hormonal agent right into the blood, bypassing the liver.
Right option
As a whole, the 3 major kinds of hormone contraception (pills, ring or patch) today offer a great choice. It will have to be done by the doctor: the problem of the lady, her constitution, predispositions, means of life will certainly affect the option of the treatment, in spite of the reality that all the preparations on the market are safe and efficient virtually one hundred percent. You may require to undergo an unique analysis for hemostasis. «Such an analysis is compulsory for females with genetic pathology of the coagulation system. If she already had thrombosis of the blood vessels or family members of the very first line had a stroke or cardiovascular disease at a young age— as much as 50 years, «- claims Svetlana Vedasheva.
Sex and also weight
Two even more prejudices connected with hormone birth control: it is believed that after the begin of taking tablets, the arrowheads of the ranges will always crawl up, and the sign of libido will give a sharp contour downward.
«Indeed, hormone contraceptives can become a prompting consider weight gain, however only if a lady has a tendency to it, yet after that she can just as well recoup from anxiety, after health problem or from too peaceful a life,» Lyubov Treyvish believes.
«Regardless of the factor, the important things in establishing excess weight is the imbalance in energy usage as well as energy usage,» concurs the endocrinologist of the medical center «Catharsis» Vladimir Shishigin.
As for sex, here everything is additionally challenging: tablet computers can create a reduction in food craving due to a modification in the concentration of hormones. Svetlana Vedasheva informed a funny case from method: a client with an elevated level of a male hormonal agent was grabbed with a drug with an antiandrogenic effect to address issues with oily skin. After 2 months of admission, she required «to return the former need,» the real degree of sexual character, which was revealed after the normalization of the hormonal condition, did not match her, and the drug had to be terminated.
Undo result
As well as the last: there is an opinion that from tablet computers it is needed to «have a remainder». «After the medication is stopped, the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases, we apply this method to the therapy of specific forms of infertility,» says Love Treyvish. «But if the lady is healthy, the medication suits her as well as pregnancy is not prepared, there is no demand for breaks, it only injures the ovary one more time, which is utilized to a silent work routine.»
As you can see, the world is still ruled by misconceptions. If you take a look at some common fears, after that they turn out to be groundless. Science does not stall, and if your mum’s problems concerning hormone contraception have an actual basis, then modern innovation attains optimum security as well as one hundred percent effectiveness. Why reject yourself the benefit?