Types Of Body Fat And Ways To Get Rid Of It Without Stressing

From Sonam Kapoor to Sonakshi Sinha, there are numerous celebrities who have gone through rigorous workouts and diets to get a fat-free and drool-worthy physique. But, here’s a question: Do they all follow the same exercise pattern?

Why not? It’s simple — the body fat in each person’s body differs. You may have a pear-shaped body with a heavy lower body, while your friend might have an athletic body but with a whole lot of back fat.

There are different types of body fat, but it’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all logic. So, we have done some homework and listed out the different types of fat and the ways you can melt it away.

1. Lower Abdomen Fat

1. Lower Abdomen Fat

If you haven’t been filling your stomach till it feels like it’s going to explode and you still have generous amounts of fat happily residing in your lower abdomen, something’s wrong. Lower abdomen fat is usually a result of depression, anxiety or stress (1). This is often found in women, but these days men and women alike are prone to causative factors. Due to stress, we indulge in unhealthy habits, and this leads to unhealthy eating, too. And the stress hormone — cortisol has a role to play here (2).

How To Tackle This?

Try meditatingor enroll yourself in yoga classes to calm yourself down. Additionally, start eating clean.

2. Upper Body Fat

2. Upper Body Fat

On a daily average, we are supposed to consume a limited number of calories, (the upper limit is around 2800 for men and 2000 for women) based on age, lifestyle, physical activity, etc. (3). If you aren’t burning even half the calories of what you are consuming, then there’s obviously more food stocked in the body than needed. And that’s how you build your upper body fat. The body keeps piling this on and that’s how you put on weight. Keep your calorie consumption proportionate to your physical activity.

How To Tackle This?

Include at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercises like walking or swimming in your routine. Stay away from sugar, and you will see the change for yourself (4).

3. Lower Body Fat

3. Lower Body Fat

No matter how smoothly your upper body glides into that pretty dress that you picked up at the mall, those thunder thighs are sure to steal the thunder — by not allowing the dress to fit. Those heavy thighs are troublesome. They can cause rashes on your inner thighs, can give you knee pain, and can reduce your flexibility in many ways. The reason for a heavier lower body is an over-consumption of gluten (5).

How To Tackle This?

While we may not be able to take the stairway to heaven yet, we can alwaystake the stairway to weight loss. Tone up your legs with a lot of climbing. And most importantly, go gluten-free as it is a culprit that increases the fat content in the lower body.

4. A Santa Claus Stomach

4. A Santa Claus Stomach

We all know the good old beer belly, don’t we? A swollen stomach is usually a cause of regular alcohol consumption (6). So, the next time you get drunk, if you think that your legs have vanished, look closer. Your big belly is covering it up.

How To Tackle This?

Count your shots! Cut back on the alcohol as most of the calories earned by drinking liquor becomes belly fat. Additionally, space out your meals and eat small portions every few hours. This will up your metabolism.

5. Fat In The Legs

5. Fat In The Legs

Those with leg issues like pain or varicose veins usually have heavy legs. Moreover, if you’re pregnant, you will notice a heavier lower body and fatter legs due to swelling.

How To Tackle This?

Excess fat in the legs can be avoided by keeping the salty foods at an arm’s distance. A sedentary lifestyle is a direct ticket to fat in the lower body (7). So, make it a point to keep moving every 30 minutes. You can also lay down with your feet elevated to prevent the fluid from filling up in your lower legs.

6. Heavy Stomach With Upper Back Fat

6. Heavy Stomach With Upper Back Fat

By now, we have established the fact that inactivity is like the golden ticket to obesity and fatness, right? So, the same fact is befitting here. Too much sitting, and gorging on processed or junk food can add more kilos to your stomach and upper back. 

How To Tackle This?

To keep your stomach tucked in, eat more fiber (8). It helps in digestion and will keep your body functioning to break down the fats.

With age comes the great responsibility of making money (read as peanuts), the stress of handling social lives (if you have one, you’re lucky), and managing our families. If at all there’s any time left, we dedicate it to our bodies. And that’s exactly how we make way for fat. Let’s change the game a little and focus on our bodies. Know your body type, and burn that fat away with these techniques. You can send us a big fat thank you later!

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