Watch the moment that a man is fitted with a BIONIC hand

The breakthrough, fitted at Kyrgyzstan’s National Hospital in the capital city of Bishkek, could provide better prosthetics for amputees around the world.

An awe-inspiring video reveals the moment a man uses his mind to move his new bionic prosthetic hand for the first time.

In the footage, the lucky recipient can be seen testing out his new extremity as he executes a perfect handshake with Sultan Tukeshov, the doctor who gave it to him.

An awe-inspiring video reveals the moment a man moves his new bionic prosthetic hand using just his mind.  In the footage, the lucky recipient can be seen testing out his new extremity as he executes a perfect handshake (pictured)

The video footage shows the lucky recipient, who was born without a wrist, successfully using the hand.

After shaking hands with the doctor, the patient then successfully attempts to master grasping.

An awe-inspiring video reveals the moment a man moves his new bionic prosthetic hand using just his mind.  In the footage, the lucky recipient can be seen testing out his new extremity as he executes a perfect handshake (pictured)

The hand is also able to grab, pick up and drop a plastic bottle with ease and finesse.

To display the hand’s full range of motion, the patient clenches both his hands — one flesh and one prosthetic — into two fists.

Small motors can be heard working as the hand is in use. The patient at the National Hospital in the capital city of Kazakhstan can even clench a fist (pictured)

Small motors can be heard working as the hand is in use. The patient at the National Hospital in the capital city of Kazakhstan can even clench a fist (pictured)


Prosthetics that attach to part of the human body are often objects that allow a person to perform a specific function — such as blades for running.

Scientists are working to develop prosthetics that are personalised and respond to the commands of the wearer.

To do this, small pads are placed on the skin of the patient.

They are located around the end of muscles and where the nerve endings begin.

The pads detect the electrical signals that are produced by the muscle nerves and translate this via a computer.

To trigger these sensors, the patient must actively think about performing an action.

For example, in order to signal a bicep contraction, the person wearing the prosthetic would have to think about bending their arm.

By understanding what muscles are being signalled by the brain to contract, scientists can predict how a limb would move.

This is then recreated by the prosthetic in real-time, allowing wearers to think an action and then the artificial limb will perform it.

Small motors can be heard working as the hand is in use.

Dr Tukeshov said of his breakthrough: ‘We have great news!

‘We were only able to see something like this in the movies. Now our crew has made it.

‘We are going to work on the design and usability of the bionic hand. The patient is controlling the prosthetic hand with his mind.’

The futuristic technology has been widely praised online.

One online viewer said: ‘You are doctors with a capital D, well done.’

Another added: ‘Well done. We are proud of you.’

After shaking hands with the doctor, the patient then successfully attempts to master grasping. The hand is also able to grasp, pick up and drop a plastic bottle with ease and finesse (pictured)

The video of the patient was taken by the doctor that did the operation and shows the man using his prosthetic arm to shake his doctors hand (pictured)

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