This clever wellness plan from Australia lets you eat pizza and ice cream while still reaching your health goals

Mince pies, prosecco, cheese platters, and plenty of roast potatoes – the festive season is here and our bodies are READY.

And look, if all your self-control goes out the window during Christmas time, try not to beat yourself up too much. There’s a reason New Years is just a few days later, so you can use it as a fresh start to whip your butt into shape.

If you’ve already tried diet plans like Paleo, Dash and FODMAP before, but to no avail, you may want to check out the latest nutrition sensation sweeping Australia: Equalution.

What is Equalution?

Equalution is ‘practical, flexible dieting’, that focuses on a balanced macronutrient and micronutrient intake.

The science-based eating plan aims to produce results, but also allows you to enjoy the foods you love, AND maintain your ‘eating out’ social life. And when you’re not skipping your daily coffee, taco Tuesday, pizza Fridays and more, it’s the kind of eating plan that’s actually sustainable.

You’ll still find plenty of vegetables and protein on this eating plan, but burgers and ice cream do appear on the menu.

There’s no need for ‘cheat’ meals when you’re eating food you like every day, and that’s what Equalation is trying to achieve.
How does a macro diet work?

A ‘macro diet’ is when you count how many macronutrients you should be consuming per day in order to reach your health goal.

«There are three macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fat», says Spoon Guru nutritionist Amine Ould-Laib.

«Carbohydrates are broken down to provide energy in the form of glucose, which is carried via the blood to various organs to carry out its daily functions. Protein provides the amino acid building blocks for the growth and repair of tissues like muscle, skin and connective tissue. And fats provide the energy in the form of triglycerides, and are essential for insulation of nerves and vital organs.»

This macro-conscious diet works because rather than just counting calories (which could come from any type of food), it’s ensuring your body has an even spread of the food groups it needs to produce optimal results.

«Micronutrients are also essential, but these help the body to use the macronutrients», explains Amine. «For example, B vitamins help the body produce and utilise the energy from carbohydrates. And trace elements like iron are required for haemoglobin production, so the blood can transport nutrients to their required location.»

How to count macros

The tricky thing with the macro diet is that the quantity of macros is different for everyone, depending on their current weight, lifestyle and health goals.

First step? Find out what your BMR (the number of calories your body burns at rest) and TDEE (your BMR, plus all the calories you burn through work, play, exercise, and even digesting food) are.

Thankfully, we live in a technology-driven world and you can find out these numbers via this clever online calculator.

Once you know how many calories you need to be consuming to reach your health goal, the next step is to divide them into a macronutrient ratio that will work for you.

For example, if you were to be consuming 2,000 calories per day, with the goal to decrease your fat percentage and increase muscle mass, your breakdown may look like this:

  • Carbs — 30 per cent — 600 calories
  • Fats — 30 per cent — 600 calories
  • Protein — 40 per cent — 800 calories

Again, technology comes in very handy and you can track what kind (carbs, fats or protein) of calories you’re consuming by inputting your meals into an app like My Fitness Pal or My Macro+.

You’ll also need to be constantly updating your macro ratio, as and when your body’s needs change. «As you get leaner, you’ll need to either increase energy expenditure or reduce calories, as your body will fight to hold on to what it has», says Amine.

If you’re sitting there thinking ‘this just sounds way too confusing and too much work for me’, that’s exactly why Equalution is seeing so much success.

They’ve taken the science-based macro diet and made it so friendly to use, you don’t even have to think. They provide you with the exact meal plan and tools you need to follow a macro diet, without knowing you’re doing it.

Some of it is as simple as swapping the brand of yoghurt you’re eating. Or changing your breakfast from a single slice of raisin toast to a big full plate of eggs, tomatoes, avocado and spinach.

Either way, it’s the first time we’ve ever seen waffles included in a diet.

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