One of the most prominent Hungarian recipe will certainly satisfy hunger as well as inquisitiveness

Hungarian cuisine is sharp, almost like Mexican, so goulash in its traditional efficiency can appreciate people with healthy and balanced bellies.

Hungary— the country by Russian requirements is small, with a populace of about 10 million people (in Moscow a little bit a lot more). However, as Kara Gundel composed, the well-known Hungarian restaurateur, a standard of Hungarian cuisine, «thanks to the desirable environment, relief and also excellent dirt, the Hungarian land will bring to life every little thing a person can desire.»

Along with the desires of the material, Hungary has satisfied both social and scientific. Authors Franz Liszt and Imre Kalman, mathematician Janos Boyai is one of the leaders of non-Euclidean geometry, the poet Shandor Petofi, that for the Hungarians suggests no less than Pushkin for us. By the way, the globe famous Rubik’s cube was also designed by the Hungarian— Erna Rubik.

Along with warm peppers, Hungarians like to put pleasant peppers in their dishes, as well as onions (necessarily fried!) And also tomatoes. By the way, paprika (sweet pepper), it would seem, is a required attribute of Hungarian cuisine, appeared not as long earlier— about 200 years ago. In Europe, paprika was brought at the end of the XV century by Christopher Columbus (he in general brought a great deal of tasty), after which the Turks began to expand it for their very own usage, they had Hungarians and discovered to flavor their recipes with red sharp powder.

Hungarian meals are abundant, and also this is not unusual: pork is made use of frequently, leaving behind lean beef as well as nutritional poultry. And all this fat abundance is generously watered with sour lotion— this is another function of Hungarian food: sour cream is included in soups, sauces, vegetable as well as meat recipes.

«As for contemporary Hungarian food,» created Kara Gundel, «its particular attribute consists in the wealth of fat (mainly pig fat), onion and red paprika (red pepper), along with in sour cream, which has actually lately been changed in many restaurants lotion «. Meat soup goulash can be called without overestimation the face of Hungarian cuisine.

Stew is a soup, a soup for a worn out, tireless man— thick, sharp as well as rewarding enough that you can safely serve a glass of wine, and even something stronger.

The really word «gulyas»(properly noticable» guyash «)suggests»guard». It was this soup that the Magyar guards prepared in unique bowlers on open fire and also under the open sky. The fragrance of seasonings, mixing with the scent of the air, produces a consistency of preference and also gives happiness to anyone who tastes the prepared dish. It is not shocking that the dish broke up, and the meal spread outside the country. Hungarian homemakers are very happy with the stew and also ensure that this recipe treatments lots of illness and also eases stress.

«Abroad, all the recipes, highly experienced with paprika, were called habitable» stew «, Kara Gundel was upset. «However, under this name a foreigner generally suggests something completely various.» I would certainly not such as to offend my foreign colleagues, but still I need to note that they have a tendency to only challenge this noble dish. » In order not to upset the Hungarians and also please the Siberians, I will bring the dish of Karoja Gundel from his book «Hungarian Cuisine».

For stew soup you will need:

  • 600 g of beef (brisket or scapula)
  • 25 g of salt
  • 200 g of carefully chopped onions
  • 600 g of diced potatoes
  • 8 g of wonderful red pepper
  • 1 fresh tomato

In a pan, warm some fat, placed a crumbled onion there and also, intensely stirring, fry up until it turns golden-rosy. In a saucepan, put the meat, cleaned and cut right into little items, sprinkled with salt and red paprika, and also gently fry for a few minutes on low heat, after which slowly put 0.5 liters of water. When the meat is practically cooked, put into the pot the diced potatoes, add even more water and also tomato and also cook until ready.

Prior to serving, gum items are prepared individually, a supposed «chiplet» (from the verb «chipcadni»— to pinch)— plucked away by hand shapeless pieces of homemade dough, similar to dumplings. Soup from them comes to be also thicker and also more delicious.

For a chip you will certainly need:

  • 200 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • squeeze salt.

Knead the steep dough, roll it right into a sheet 1 mm thick, then squeeze off tiny shapeless pieces 4 mm in dimension and go down into boiling water. After 3-4 minutes, when the chipper is ready, they will certainly drift up like banal dumplings.

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